Borrowing of Library Materials
- Membership is granted to students, staff, and alumni of the university. They have full access to the collection, services & facilities.
- Visitors are welcome but with no borrowing rights and they are subject to observe the library policy.
- Student applicants may be allowed to borrow books upon depositing a required amount. The deposit is refunded upon returning the books to the library.
Borrowing period
- The normal borrowing period is two (2) weeks while the short-term is two (2) hours.
Borrowing rules
- Member must present GUtech ID card to check out library materials. Using someone else’s ID is not permitted.
- Member may borrow materials any materials except for newspaper and thesis.
- No member can borrow two or more copies of the same book at the same time.
- Member may extend a loan however, a reserved book cannot be renewed.
- Member may reserve materials currently on loan to another borrower. Notification will be sent when the item becomes available. A three (3) days pick-up period is given otherwise the reservation is forfeited.
- The Library staff shall have the discretionary right to issue or not to issue any material at any time.
- When the security gates detect unrecorded loans, users must allow their belongings to be inspected by library staff.
Overdue, lost and damaged books
- Items must be returned before the due date and in good condition. Fine is imposed to late return at 100bz per item per day.
- Lost or damaged books shall be replaced or paid for.
- Borrowers, who purposely keep materials long after the due date or despite several reminders will be subject to further fines or disciplinary action.
- The library sends overdue claims to borrowers however not receiving a claim is not an excuse for returning a book on time. Upon borrowing, members agree to abide by the loan periods and conditions granted by the library.
- Students with unreturned books or unpaid fines will be included in the Stop List. Likewise, clearance of staff with outstanding loans or fines shall not be signed until accounts are cleared.